An overview of genome-wide association studies.
A dive into the theory behind GLMs. This post covers the GLM model, canonical and non-canonical link functions, optimization of the log-likelihood, and inference.
We overview single-cell RNA sequencing, at both small and large scales.
DNA sequencing lies at the core of modern genomic assays. Here, we discuss next-generation sequencing and the related technology of polymerase chain reaction.
The exponential family is a mathematical abstraction that unifies common parametric probability distributions. In this post we review the definition and basic properties of exponential families.
The gamma, Poisson, and negative binomial distributions are used extensively in genomics. In this post we review these distributions and their connections to one another. We also cover the various (and somewhat confusing) parameterizations of these distributions.
Enhancers are segments of DNA that increase the expression of a nearby gene. This post provides an overview enhancer biology and detection of enhancers at scale.